dinghy|dinghies in English


[din·ghy || 'dɪŋgɪ]

small boat

Use "dinghy|dinghies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dinghy|dinghies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dinghy|dinghies", or refer to the context using the word "dinghy|dinghies" in the English Dictionary.

1. I saw two inflatable dinghies aboard.

2. It's a dinghy, not a lifeboat.

3. She rowed ashore in the dinghy.

4. The coast guard brought us to land in rubber dinghies.

5. The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings.

6. 10 The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings.

7. A huge wave flipped the dinghy over.

8. They will not surrender to a dinghy.

9. Tender Inflatable dinghy, with pump and oars.

10. She sailed the dinghy across the bay.

11. A strong current carried the dinghy away.

12. The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.

13. She jumped into the dinghy and shoved off.

14. Traditional Clinker built wooden dinghy Contributed by adrianmorgan

15. That's if you're on a dinghy sailing course.

16. He was transferred to the ship by dinghy.

17. I steered the dinghy powerfully to the right.

18. Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht.

19. It took us half an hour to inflate the dinghy.

20. The wash of a large motorboat rocked the little dinghy.

21. As the crew began to unload the waste drums, inflatable dinghies were deliberately positioned underneath.

22. They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.

23. The dinghy gathered speed as the wind filled her sails.

24. If not a Carley float, then certainly an inflatable rubber dinghy.

25. The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.